
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bring Extra Socks and 8 Other Practical Tips for Events

It’s the night before you head out to a big event, and you’re getting your things together. You go down the list and double check all of the necessities; you’ve got your garb and weapons ready to go, you remembered to pack your tent and sleeping bag, and you’ve even filled your cooler with food and beverages. Seems like you have everything under control, but do you really?

Preparation is about the Basics

When you’re packing for your big event, make sure you cover the small stuff, too. Making it through a camping weekend isn’t just about the big stuff, and there are a ton of things that can make you take time from enjoying an event and need to head deep back into the mundane world, dressed funny and smelling like a street urchin. Make sure you pack these 9 things to keep you in the game and going.

Extra Socks

Ok, you’re going to be in the woods for 2 days so you would think that 2 pairs of socks will cover you, right? No! When you’re tromping around a field, sword fighting and running from zombies, your feet are going to get sweaty and skanky. If they get too gross, not only are they going to stink up the inside of your tent, but you’re going to get foot rot and loos hunks of flesh. It happens, but it’s avoidable.
I generally pack an extra pair of socks for each day I’m going to be at the event. I might not need them but they sure do come in handy when I do.
Back in December of last year I went to an event in the snow and almost froze my toes of even after we were inside. I had extra socks in the form of thin little athletics, but they just made my feet dry. That day I was given a pair of big thick, heavy cotton socks. They melted my feet into balls of happy goo and changed my life forever.
Now, I make sure to pack those socks when I head to any event. Chances are I won’t need them in July, but you never know when you’re going to fall in a creek and need something to keep you warm and going.

Toilet Paper

This one seems more obvious than it should. You need to go to the bathroom. You need to clean yourself when you do, otherwise you are going to smell like a sewer rat. That might be a little too in character. Take some tp with you into the woods, and you’ll thank yourself later. Again, you might not need it, but it’s better to have it than not. Even if there is a bathroom or port-a-potty on site, you are better off having this around in case of an emergency.

Trash Bags

We have a rule in Eldaraenth, you leave an event site better than you found it. That means policing and cleaning your camp regularly to make sure there isn’t any trash floating around mucking up the place. It’s best to bring two types, also. Grab some plastic grocery store bags to keep around in places where you might need to seal the trash away, especially if you have to break out the aforementioned toilet paper. Another great place to have something like that hanging is where you prepare your food, especially meat.
Make sure you grab some bigger trash bags, too. You can put the smaller trashbags inside them when they are full and put most of your general camp trash in them as you go along. We like to keep one at all times near our water station.


There is no such thing as too much water at an event. Dehydration is a real worry, especially for the guys wearing heavy armor or the ladies strutting around in corsets (or vice versa). Most games will provide water for players, but it can be hard to keep it stocked up good and full when you’ve got a bunch of people all pulling from the same tank. Just do yourself a favor and bring extra water with you. You will drink it.


I am a pale, pale man. I burn through my garb sometimes. It’s a good idea to sunscreen up. I like the kind that sprays on, and you can sometimes get it with bug spray built into it. Two for the price of one, I’m sold. Use it, and prevent melanoma.

A Tarp

I have a friend who is an outdoorsy kind of guy. He taught me a very valuable lesson. Bring a tarp (or two) when you go camping. One under your tent can help keep it warmer, keep the dew out, and get you a bit more off the ground, and one on top of a tent will work a million times better than the best rain flap out there. Also, if you forget your tent poles, a tarp and some rope makes a fairly decent lean to.

Extra Blankets

It can get cold out there at night. If you need them, they’ll keep you warm, and if you don’t they’ll make the ground a little more comfortable. I recommend putting one down under you anyway, because getting off the ground will help keep you warm when it is freezing cold.

Tooth Brush

People forget this one all the time. Morning breath can ruin everyone’s day. Bring one, and some toothpaste while you’re at it. At least grab some mouthwash.

Wet Wipes

This one never occurred to me for years. I just thought “Hey, I’ll go home and shower for two hours, so why worry about stinking at the event.” Then we had a new player come into the game and it changed my perspective. She brought wet wipes with her to the events and cleaned herself completely each morning. It was like, “wow, she doesn’t smell like a hobo!”

The List Goes On

There a a lot of little things that can be added to the list. Do you have any advice for new players, or maybe a simple recommendation for some of your veterans?

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